Sound painting was developed by Walter Thompson from New York in the 1970s. Sound painting is currently spreading worldwide as a universal multidisciplinary sign language with more than 1200 characters. A "sound painter" is a conductor and a composer at the same time and uses sound painting to bring hand and body gestures together into a real-time composition.
How many gestures are used and how they are used can be selected by the sound painter individually (according to the group). This makes it possible to spontaneously realize a concert, a film score, a theater work or a workshop concert within a short period of time.
Sound painting is spreading in the artistic field as well as in the training field for groups interested in integration, team building, body language, non-verbal communication, music, movement and composition.
Different areas such as music, dance,
Language, theater, visual arts, as well as objects
and interior design can be connected to one another. These areas can in turn be related to a specific topic, processed and implemented. It is also possible to focus only on one area.
Sound painting for different areas:
••• Choir - (Chor d'accord) - for singers
••• Music (orchestras, ensembles, bands)
- for different instruments
••• Dance: choreography, body work
••• Drama: theater, language, poetry
••• Fine arts: painting, sculpture,
visual projections
••• Sound engineering: electronic art
Sound painting for different groups:
••• Mixed groups: families,
People from different countries of origin
••• Executives : management, faculty
••• Children and young people: school projects, leisure area
••• adult education
Sound painting syntax:
In the early eighties Walter Thompson developed sound painting more and more into an autonomous conducting language based on a syntax. The syntax consists of (taking into account the sequence):
Who, What, How and When.
••• WHO = WHO implements something
••• WHAT = WHAT is implemented
••• HOW = HOW is it implemented
••• WHEN = WHEN it will be implemented
Philosophical Aspects:
••• "There are no mistakes"
Many people shy away from artistic activities because, unfortunately, in the past they have been taught that they can do something "wrong". There is no such thing in sound painting. On the contrary. A "mistake" is seen in sound painting as an opportunity to incorporate it artistically or to develop it further.
••• "Wrong and strong"
If you have "misunderstood" or overlooked a gesture, stick to it. It is up to the sound painter to correct or adapt this misunderstanding. Often a misunderstanding can lead to an enrichment of the composition.
Links to sound painting sites:
Walter Thompson: Official sound painting homepage
Benjamin Nid (French)
Hada Benedito: Berlin Soundpainting Orchestra (English)
Ricardo Gassent: Soundpainting Madrid (Spanish)