Mixed groups
Inclusive-integrative groups
Sound painting is conducting and composing in real time - here the conductor is the living sheet of music.
What's the point?
Discover potential
Strengthen group dynamic processes
Communicate without words
Use mistakes as opportunities
Combine different styles of art
Increase creativity, spontaneity and the ability to react
Design a performance together
Games to loosen up
Basic sound painting characters (selected according to the group)
Listen, see and react to yourself and others consciously.
At the moment there is always the chance to discover and develop your own creative possibilities
or to imitate and develop other impulses.
The communication of the sound painting signs creates a fascinating togetherness that is expressed through voice, music, movement and language.
1.5 - 3 hours
Get to know sound mapping as a sign language
10 minute final presentation (optional)
Within 3 - 9 days
Experience sound painting as a language of composition and conducting
Current topics and the potential of the participants can be included
The participants themselves also have the opportunity to try their hand at being a conductor and composer
At the end of the project there is a performance