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Choir d'accord Salzburg


Once upon a time there was the choir d'accord under my direction from 2015 - 2020

From October 7th, rehearsals will resume with a new management.


Follow the choir d'accord on Facebook & Instagram

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  • Instagram

Target group:

  • All singing enthusiasts who are looking for a regular new singing experience are welcome at the Chor d'accord!

  • We sing songs in different languages ​​and create our own compositions using sound painting.

  • No choir experience or reading music required.


  • Exercises for voice training, breathing and posture

  • Body & presence warm up

  • Easy choral literature from all over the world

  • Sound painting

  • Circle songs

  • Own compositions

  • Rhythm exercises with beatboxing, vocal and body percussion

More info:

  • SOUNDPAINTING in the choir d'accord is an ongoing offer for everyone who would like to find creative access to their voice.

  • Not only notes, but also gestures create the space for new musical experiences.

  • This creates space to develop your own expressive potential and to compose out of spontaneity.

  • Since autumn 2014, the choir is the first choir d'Austria, who own means of Soundpainting compositions accord developed or created from already fixed literature new arrangements.

  • Since 2015 the choir d'accord has been funded for projects by the state of Salzburg.

More videos here

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