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In dialect ••• and or more (loop station) ...

SnitaL is the Bavarian diminutive of the real first name of the artist Anita Biebl. The singer and instrumentalist with extensive training in Germany and at the Salzburg Mozarteum is a full-time cross-border commuter. In real life between Bavaria and Austria. In the style cosmos between alpine yodelling coloratura, groovy blues tones and South American vocal power. Border crosser between total depth and total nonsense.

As a dialect artist who accompanies herself on guitar and countless other instruments, you can currently hear her on Bayern 2 with the song "Hindad Dane Done Dupfn", which we are not trying to translate here.

In prosaic terms, SnitaL is a performer, music and dance teacher. She shapes, files, saws and hammers every phrase, every sound bit, every nuance of her own songs as well as songs that have been adopted by others, until every piece of work is small and the singer surrenders. The results can be heard in English, Spanish and in SnitaL's blue and white dialect.

Lots of surprises and unexpected twists and turns, musical serpentines and gravel paths - nothing for fearful spirits! Fearless wanderers of the world, on the other hand, are rewarded with real carbuncle stones made of sound and virtuoso magic of an unusually versatile young voice.

(A. Rennert)

CURRENTLY to be heard on Bayern 2:

Radl Popo Modl Song - SnitaL
Hindad Dane Done Dupfn - SnitaL

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